Master Classes of Vladislav Tretiak in Riga – the Popularity is Enormous

5 July 2013, 12:00

This year’s sports camp will be the largest during the entire history of the Riga School of Goaltenders. It is traditionally arranged with the support of the largest private bank in Latvia – Rietumu.

Classes of the Vladislav Tretiak International School of Goaltenders, which were arranged for a number of years in Latvia, Russia and Canada, have always been highly acclaimed by professionals. Last year the legendary hockey player took a decision to focus only on Latvia further on, and currently, participation in the classes of the Riga School of Goaltenders are a unique opportunity to have lessons with this hockey star.

Vladislav Tretiak is a frequent guest in Latvia. He arrives here not only to work, but also to have a rest at the Gulf of Riga, where he has his own apartment and enjoys staying. ‘We like to stay here very much and we have many friends here,’ says the legendary hockey player, ‘To arrange classes in Riga was the idea of Sergey Naumov, who knew that I had arranged many such camps in the USA and Canada for a number of years. He offered for me to come and work here as well, knowing that I usually come to Latvia at this time of year for holidays. I replied that if he could arrange everything to a high level, I would participate. When doing something, it must be done professionally. Especially as a sponsor is available – Rietumu Bank. I think that this has turned out to be one of my best camps as a result.’

The popularity of the Riga School of Goaltenders is growing every year – young hockey players, not only from Europe but also from other parts of the world, arrive here for training. Under the guidance of the legendary goaltender, young players from such recognised ‘hockey’ nations as Russia, Germany, Finland and the USA, as well as their colleagues from Spain and Japan, sharpen their skills.

As one of the chief coaches of the Riga School of Goaltenders, the Latvian hockey player Andrejs Zagars notes, ‘I am very glad that our camp has been arranged in Riga, and not for the first time. We provide an opportunity for very young sportsmen to feel the atmosphere of real hockey and this is what allows them to develop their winning attitude. In spite of the fact that the classes are only being held for the fourth time, our trainees are already demonstrating considerable results. Many boys from the senior group sign contracts with the Minor Hockey League clubs and it means that they start playing hockey professionally – for boys aged 13-14 it is a big achievement. For instance, a young goaltender from Spain, who has not missed a single Riga training camp, has already won in the youth championship of his country and has left to play in Canada.’

‘The possibility to learn from the skills of such a figure of world hockey is a dream for many ambitious young goaltenders. We are always happy to support the master classes of Vladislav Tretiak in Riga and are pleased to see the success achieved further on by his trainees. Latvia has always occupied a respectable place in the world of sports and now, owing to the classes of the School of Goaltenders, it has deservedly become an increasingly popular place for the “pilgrimage” of young hockey players,’ notes the Member of the Board of Rietumu Bank Ilya Suharenko.

The current sports camp will be the largest one – with the participation of over 50 young goaltenders from different countries. As this time the number of those who wished to be trained was beyond possible limits, the aspirants had to pass a serious selection process. According to its results, 52 sportsmen aged 7 to 17, from different parts of the world, have got a possibility to participate in the Vladislav Tretiak master classes.

The sportsmen are divided into a senior and junior group, with a special programme being prepared for each of them. Regardless of age, young goaltenders will have two training sessions on ice and a “dry” training session every day. At the classes for younger players, the main emphasis is placed on developing skating skills, and for senior ones – on gaming techniques. Being aware of the fact that in spite of the big will power and grandiose dreams, their trainees still remain children, the organisers have also prepared an entertaining programme, which includes a trip to Jurmala and other events for them.

Vladislav Tretiak is an outstanding Soviet hockey player, a goaltender. From 1969 to 1984 he was the goaltender for the CSKA and the Soviet Union’s national ice hockey team. The International Ice Hockey Federation proclaimed Vladislav Tretiak to be one of the best hockey players of the 20th century. He became the first European to be included into the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto in 1997.

Sergey Naumov is a professional Latvian and Soviet hockey player. From 1993 to 2010 he was the goaltender for the Latvian national ice hockey team. At present, he trains the goaltenders of Riga Dinamo and the Latvian national team.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
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