With the support of Rietumu Bank, the Wings of Business Award Will Be Held in Moscow

16 February 2017, 16:42
On Friday, the Russian national award for achievements in business aviation – the Wings of Business – will be held in Moscow for the first time. Rietumu Bank is the general sponsor of this event.

Claimants for the prestigious professional award in 13 nominations are almost 60 companies representing all sectors in the business aviation segment. The award winners will be defined based on the results of two stages of voting - the first being on the website of the award and the second among all members of the Russian United Business Aviation Association (RUBAA). Such procedure is aimed to give a comprehensive assessment of achievements and successes of the participating companies and identify the true leaders of the Russian business aviation market according to the results of the year 2016.

The winners award ceremony will be held on 17 February 2017 in the Congress Hall of the Moscow City Golf Club. Its moderators will be Oksana Fyodorova and Dmitry Kharatyan. The event will be completed by a concert of Valery Syutkin, who is a longtime enthusiast of aviation.

Over the last decade, Russian business aviation has covered a long path, having become one of the most developed branches of the national economy. Seeing the market potential, Rietumu Bank is actively developing cooperation with companies operating in the business aviation segment in Russia, the Baltic States and the CIS countries, offering them viable solutions, including financing of private aircraft acquisition both for business and personal purposes, as well as loans secured by premium class assets available at the client.

“This year Rietumu Bank will celebrate its 25th jubilee – It is a serious period of time during which we have achieved tangible results and successes in many industries. We are an international bank for businesses and large private clients, we provide services in the field of transport lending, trading, financing premium class assets – yachts, luxury business jets and airplanes. Business aviation is becoming an increasingly popular segment, including among our international clients who conduct business in the CIS countries, Europe, Russia and other regions of the world. Therefore, our decision to support the initiative of the Russian United Business Aviation Association to present a special industry award to outstanding projects and achievements in this segment is a step in the same direction where the interests of our clients are developing,” said Vladimir Burkhanov, Head of Transport Financing Division of Rietumu Bank.

The Wings of Business is the first industry award for the highest achievements in the field of business aviation in Russia. The founder of the Wings of Business award is the Russian United Business Aviation Association (RUBAA). General sponsor of the event is Rietumu Bank. The producer of the winners’ award ceremony is the company Business Aviation Systems, headed by Mikhail Titov.

Profiles of the nominees are published on the website www.wingsaward.ru

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]