New Services of Rietumu Bank for More Convenient Account Management

3 May 2013, 12:00
Starting from May, Rietumu Bank extends the functionality of the iRietumu internet bank. The upgraded version of the internet bank includes the Enterprise Link function, i.e. a possibility to establish a connection between iRietumu and corporate accounting system.

Establishment of a connection between the internet bank and the customer’s accounting system allows the automatic request and receiving of information from the bank regarding the status of the client’s accounts: balance of accounts, transactions, payment details, etc. E-link helps to optimise operations with the bank for large corporate clients who perform a lot of transactions on a daily basis making these operations more comfortable.

For more convenient and complete control over one’s accounts, Rietumu Bank has improved the M-Bank service: receiving SMS notifications about activities on the operating and card accounts of the customer, currency exchanges, currency rates, as well as receiving reminders about transaction operations and bank notifications by means of SMS.

Now this service will be available for all customers of the bank, regardless of their mobile operator and internet connection quality.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]