The International Grain Round will be conducted with Rietumu Bank's support

3 June 2016, 12:00

Rietumu Bank came forward as an official partner of this event.

The Russian Grain Union, with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, State Duma Committee and the Administration of the Krasnodar Region, will hold the Round.

Among the participants of the conference are leaders of the market, heads of operator-companies of the grain market and products of its processing, transport companies, organisations responsible for infrastructure in the sector, as well as leading agricultural producers. More than 900 representatives from different countries are expected to take part in the event, including several dozens of Russian producers.

As Natalya Perhova, Head of the Trade Finance Department of Rietumu notes: "Our bank has for many years worked closely with the grain sector enterprises – suppliers of grain, logistic and transport companies, and provided trade financing services for exporters and enterprises involved in the international trade. Our customers do business all over the world, including in the Black Sea region, being large exporters of these products.

We see in practice, that the production and supply of agricultural products, including grain – is one of those sectors that can successfully develop even during crises. Moreover, today many enterprises of this sector demonstrate growth of the transactions volume, using bank financing for this purpose. It is important for further development to provide business with the whole infrastructure, including financial, in order to solve the issues that appear promptly, and to establish new connections and business contacts. I am sure that this Round will promote such activity".

The conference will include a discussion of government control over the grain market, agroindustrial complex development prospects in the new economic conditions, measures for state support of the agrarian sector; production estimates, grain market price dynamics and the demand-supply situation, use of new technologies for the production, processing and storage of grain, development of transport and financial infrastructure.

Along with the official programme the business negotiations of participants, meetings with partners and presentations are planned within the framework of the Round.

Rietumu Bank specialises in servicing corporate customers with international business interests, as well as affluent private entities. The Bank offers a complete range of financial services, including crediting and funding of trade operations. Rietumu Bank also provides funding of water transport (commercial vessels, motor and sail boats), and railway rolling stock. Rietumu Bank's representations and offices operate in Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Israel, Great Britain and Turkey.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]