Additional PIN – Extra Safety Feature at iRietumu

16 December 2013, 12:00
Invariably, one of the important and priority purposes of Rietumu Bank is the reliability of operation of technological and information systems, including remote access systems and client account management systems. Our specialists constantly work at supporting the maximum level of data protection and functional safety. Thus, we draw the attention of clients who use the iRietumu internet bank, to the available possibility of using an additional level of protection when entering the internet bank – an additional PIN code.

The additional PIN code is a special password assigned (determined) by the client.

Further on, the client will have to indicate the additional PIN code every time upon entering the remote access system in the Digipass Code field, prior to entering the one-time password generated by the Digipass device.

Thus, when using the additional PIN code, one part of the password will be known only to the client and the other part will be generated by the Digipass device. Hence, even in the case that third parties get a hold of it, they cannot make the full combination.

The client can activate the additional PIN code function independently – by using the Additional PIN field in the Settings section of iRietumu.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Rietumu Bank: “The wave of Cyprian investors’ interest is not falling down…”

Among the key topics, in which the representatives of the press were interested, were urgent questions about the entrance of Latvia to the eurozone, lessons and consequences of the world crisis, as well as the influence of the Cyprian financial crisis on the banking system of Latvia. Alexander Gafin, Rietumu Supervisory Council member, Alexander Pankov, President of Rietumu Bank, and Renat Lokomet, Member of the Board, took part in the briefing.

11 December 2013, 12:00 Products & Services